Caring for Woolly Mammoth ivory requires gentle handling and minimal maintenance to preserve its beauty and integrity over time. Here are some tips:

  1. Avoid exposure to extreme conditions: Keep Mammoth ivory away from direct sunlight for extended time, avoid excessive heat, and moisture to prevent discoloration, warping, or cracking.

  2. Regular cleaning: Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe the ivory surface to remove dust and debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the ivory.

  3. Moisturize occasionally: Apply a small amount of mineral oil or ivory-specific conditioner to the surface of the ivory using a soft cloth. This helps to keep the ivory hydrated and prevents it from drying out or developing cracks.  Mammoth Grip Exchange recommends Renaissance wax polish which can be bought on Amazon.

  4. Store properly: When not in use, store Mammoth ivory in a cool, dry place away from sources of heat or humidity. Avoid storing it in airtight containers, as this can promote moisture buildup.

  5. Handle with care: When handling Mammoth ivory, avoid dropping or knocking it against hard surfaces, as this can cause chips or cracks.

  6. Gentle Care must be used when installing fossil materials.  Grip Screws can damage exotic material if you over torque them. Simply tighten them but do not over tighten them..  Using rubber O-Rings on your grip screws is recommended.  

By following these simple care tips, you can ensure that your Woolly Mammoth ivory remains in pristine condition for years to come, maintaining its natural beauty and historical significance.


How to fix Mammoth Ivory Warping from Humidity Issues


ALL Woolly Mammoth ivory warps due to humidity.  It does not matter who you buy your ivory from.  It’s not the grip makers fault, it is the law of nature.  Sometimes the backing material can aid in the warping because the backing material does not change with humidity (Example Carbon Fiber).  But backing is a MUST have on crosscut Ivory.  Mammoth ivory cut with the grain does not warp nearly as much as crosscut Mammoth.  Cross cut mammoth is easy to fix when it does warp.  Here is what you need to do.


If the Mammoth Ivory has too little moisture (as in hot dry summer months, or a dry safe) it will warp with the tips bending out.  See below #1

To fix this, you can run a towel under water and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes to create steam.  Open microwave, be careful of super-hot steam.  Carefully place grips in microwave. Let some of that super-hot steam out first.  Do not cook or overheat mammoth grips.  They are not lobsters.  Cool steam is better.  Also possible to put a steamed towel in a large zip lock back.  But Mammoth can not swim, you only want moisture/Steam (not boiling hot steam). Your grips will straighten out after a couple of 30-minute sessions. Be patient.


If there is too much humidity from living next to an ocean or if you live in an area where it rains a lot the Mammoth will warp with the tips touching but the middle section has a gap.  See below #2 

A quick fix for this is to get some Sila moisture beads.  Heat them up to get rid of moisture.  Put them in a zip lock bag.  Wait for the beads to cool down a little.  Then insert the grips into bag with beads checking on progress every hour.  Your grips will straighten out once humidity is removed.