This is a stunning set of natural Abalone shell grips.  This is not just a thin cross section of Abalone encased in clear resen.  This is a full set of natural Abalone.  No resin encasing this set.  VERY rare to find anyting like this.  The dust of this shell is toxic to humans and a complete mask and suit must be worn when making these grips.  

The beautiful colors and patterns in Abalone can not be outdone.  Pictures do not capture the beauty.

Very unique 1911 grips.  Each grip has a slightly differnet pattern to them.  The grips come from the spinal bone of a whale.

Very unique 1911 grips.  Each grip has a slightly differnet pattern to them.  The grips come from the spinal bone of a whale.  This set had been dyed blue.  Its a stunning set that really would show well on a stainless gun.

Here is a nice set of Elk Antler grips made full size for a 1911.